Attending this event?
Welcome to the event schedule for SD Expo 2024! You’ll see all the sessions available, and you can pick and choose sessions across all tracks to create your own schedule for the event. Please reach out in #event-sd-expo in Slack if you have any questions!

Tip: Talks run 20 minutes and happen every half hour!
avatar for Jenny Dempsey

Jenny Dempsey

Jenny Dempsey Solutions
San Diego, California
I'm a furniture flipping, dog-loving, hot yoga enthusiast who's all about community and customer service. Throughout my career, I've worn many hats, proudly serving my teams and customers. Here are some highlights:

▪️ I enjoyed working with a small, remote team in building and managing engagement, fostering deeper networking relationships in the online materials and composites industry.
▪️ It was a rewarding experience developing the customer experience for a unique small farm fruit subscription service, where our team bonded over tasting caviar limes for the first time.
▪️ I created a fun customer appreciation program called "Tickled Pink," which involved a cute stuffed pig that loyal customers took on their travels, sharing photos of its adventures around the world.
▪️ Taking the driver's seat, I built and delivered the "Road to Awesome" voice of customer feedback program for a DMV content company, aiming to showcase the positive side of the DMV experience every Monday morning.

But no matter what role I'm in, I firmly believe it's all about people helping people. I thrive on finding the best tools, developing effective processes, and providing resources to empower our teams and support our customers, all while enjoying the journey along the way.
Monday, May 13

4:30pm PDT

Tuesday, May 14

8:15am PDT

9:00am PDT

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11:30am PDT

12:00pm PDT

12:30pm PDT

12:50pm PDT

2:00pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

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3:30pm PDT

4:30pm PDT

Wednesday, May 15

8:15am PDT

9:30am PDT

11:00am PDT

11:30am PDT

12:00pm PDT